See updated version of this post here:
I’d like to share with you my perspective on regenerative systems education in brief.
- The focus of regenerative systems development is not solely on reducing resource extraction and its impact (on Earth and each other) but above all on (re)connecting and regenerating environmental, social, human, and other resources.
- Regenerative systems education is learning and skills-building that aims to support the co-creation of regenerative communities.
- The pedagogical approach is grounded in living systems thinking and experiential and collaborative learning that will benefit students and communities meaningfully.
- Pedagogical principles include relationality, reciprocity, sharing, openness, co-creating, and overall practising a deep understanding that humans are a part of Earth and not apart from it.
Here, I’m documenting seven projects on sustainability teaching and learning that I conducted research for during my PhD at Simon Fraser University
Flipping Without Flopping: Combining Learning Approaches to Best Benefit Students (two phases) (2018-2019). Final report.
Social Enterprise in Open Educational Resources (2018). Final report.
Engaging Students in Sustainability Learning: Comparing Reading-related Activities in Online and In-person Courses (2017). Final report.
Sustainability OER for SFU (2017). Website development & short presentation.
Engaging Students in Sustainability Learning: Exploration of Reading-related Activities (2016). Final report.
Evaluating the use of open educational resources in sustainability teaching and learning (2016). Final report.
Assessing the Potential of Open Online Learning Resources to Enhance SFU Teaching and Learning (2015). Final report.